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MAED in Educational Administration in the Philippines
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Log In Sign Up. Philippine Public Administration Followers. Administration dissertation educational philippine People.
Implementation analysis of the day care law in administration dissertation educational philippine National Capital Region. Save to Library. Muslim Religious Practices in the Workplace: Its Implications for Management. A multicultural workforce is becoming increasingly important in a globalized world to enable organizations such as government units to run internal operations, to develop new services, and to implement developmental programs.
Both supervisors and employees understand the importance of multicultural teams working collaboratively to achieve organizational goals. Managing a diverse workforce is not without its challenges, however. Indeed, research has shown that the potential for workforce conflict can increase when employees from different cultural backgrounds work together.
In fact, due to globalization and ongoing immigration, cultural diversity in general, and religious diversity in the workplace in particular, are an increasingly common phenomenon Aburdene, This study aims to identify key Islamic religious practices performed by Muslim employees that administration dissertation educational philippine cause conflict in secular workplaces in the Local Government of Zamboanga City.
In addition, it aims to examine how supervisors in these workplaces respond to religious diversity among employees.
As such, diversity management is discussed from the micro-individual perspectives, administration dissertation educational philippine, and examined closely at the micro levels. A survey of Muslim employees and non-Muslim managers administration dissertation educational philippine the primary data collection methods. Among the 35 employees who participated in the survey, administration dissertation educational philippine, the age range of the surveyed participants is 23 to 60 years with an estimated mean of In terms of experienced conflict as a result of external social-based factors, Muslim employees indicated they experienced conflict at work as a result of internal workplace factors.
One example is the lack of musallah prayer room in the workplace which hinders them from doing the daily prayer. However, most Muslim employees do not support the idea of removing all religions from the workplace. They sought to integrate into the organizational culture while maintaining a separate Muslim identity.
There was no evidence that Muslim women experienced religion-based workplace conflict to a greater extent than Muslim men. Ideals and Practice in the Study of Philippine Public Administration and Governance. Philippine Public Administration: 5Es and an A. Given the development context of the Philippines, the foremost question confronting the discipline of Public Administration is not only in junction with its identity — "What is Philippine Public Administration" — but to expand the Given the development context of the Philippines, the foremost question confronting the discipline of Public Administration is not only in junction with its identity — "What is Philippine Public Administration" — but to expand the boundaries and inquire, "For whom is Philippine Public Administration?
Public administration theorists have also followed those in other disciplines from art and architecture to sociology and philosophy -- in pursuing the idea of postmodernism. Postmodernists challenge and deconstruct orthodox theories Postmodernists challenge and deconstruct orthodox theories and assumptions, such as the essence of representative bureaucracy and gender images in public administration. This paper attempts to trace the antecedents of postmodern public administration and situate it in the context of the Philippines.
In so doing, it hopes to contribute to the discussion of and literature on Philippine public administration theory and practice, administration dissertation educational philippine. A Case Study on the Land Use and Planning System in Philippine Public Administration.
The executive institutions in the Philippines have development plans that usually become the backbone of the policy of the executive administration. This is the same with the administration of Benigno Aquino III PNoywhose development This is the same with the administration of Benigno Aquino III PNoywhose development plan consists of the Philippine Development Plan of — PDP. But before a development plan is implemented, it first goes — in theory — into a thorough process of study and assessment before it is approved by the administration for implementation.
This is where the study of the paper is aimed at; the paper is focused on the socio-economic planning system of the Philippine government, giving emphasis on the step-by-step process of how development plans are made in the Philippines from the National to Local levels. Rae Reposar. Mapping ICT4D Projects in the Philippines, administration dissertation educational philippine.
The Department of Transportation and Communications DOTC in partnership with Science Education Institute and Intel Work on removing the gender barriers to ICT Work on removing the gender barriers to ICT education and training and promoting equal training Federalism and Environmental Issues: The Philippines and India. The question on federalism has reentered in mainstream politics due to the popular rise and election of President Rodrigo Duterte in the elections. One of the more famous models of federalism that's currently being mainstreamed by One of the more famous models of federalism that's currently being mainstreamed by the president's political allies is centered on Senator Pimentel's federal-presidential form of government.
However, viewpoints on establishing a federal-presidential form of government have been limited in the purview of political-institutional narratives, of which issues on federalism's impact on the environment is - if at all - rarely discussed. This creates a cause for political concern, as the Philippines is currently recognized by the United Nations as one of the most vulnerable countries in terms of climate change. With that said, literature concerning on "Environmental Federalism" have been developed by several scholars abroad, of which many of these written studies are concentrated on best practices of India's merging of its shared federal authority delineation of authority within Administration dissertation educational philippine between central and state governments and environmental policy.
Considering these points, it is in the interest of this study to endeavor into a contextualization of Senator Pimentel's federal-presidential model, administration dissertation educational philippine, under current Philippine environmental conditions, using the lens of Environmental Federalism. From here, Environmental Federalism will also be utilized as a theoretical and comparative critique of Senator Pimentel's federal-presidential model vis-a-vis India's federal government set up.
The aim of this study, therefore, is to understand the viability of a federal-presidential system in the context of urgent Philippine environmental and climate change issues, while looking at best practices from India in terms of its inclusion of environmental policy with respect to its federal set up.
The Cordillera Autonomy and the Quest for Nation-Building: Prospects in the Philippines. The Prospect of Federalism in the Philippines: A Challenge to Political Decentralization in a Unitary State. SOAS Research Online. SOAS Home »; Research »; SOAS Research Online.
Colonialism and elitism in Philippine political development: assessing the roots of underdevelopment. Ethnicity and Empowerment: Looking Beyond the Theory of 'Democracy'in Governance, administration dissertation educational philippine. Philippine Social Development Perspectives: Do People Really Matter?
The Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services: An Appraisal of a Strategy in Social Development. Unseating Newton, Reaping a Paradigm: Einstein in Philippine Public Administration. This study is significant for it was thought that the Sciences and the Social Sciences are distant bodies of knowledge without This study is significant for it was thought that the Sciences and the Social Sciences are distant bodies of knowledge without common ground.
Some scholars of Public Administration belatedly attributed the state problems to the mechanistic management paradigm of Newtonian physics.
In response, scholars catapulted the post Newtonian sciences into the level of acceptable paradigms in Public Administration. Keywords—Public Administration; Einstein; Philippines; metaphor; governance. Traditional Maranaw Governance System: Descriptives, Issues and Imperatives for Philippine Public Administration.
The traditional Maranaw governance system TMGS is regarded as an intricate yet sophisticated system. The Adat and Qur'an are the foundation of the functions and processes of central and local governance structures. This article This article thoroughly discusses its identity and continuity. Furthermore, TMGS places importance on family, relatives, and society and community.
The central government bears the concept of a nation or the Bangsa Moro. The author points out that since TMGS is not a closed system, the colonization of the Philippine brought administration dissertation educational philippine the integration of formal institutions of power and authority FIPA to the once traditional structures of the power and authority of the Maranaws.
Exploring into the Prehistory and Early History of Philippine Public Administration: Three Models of Weberian Administrative State in Focus. Is there a Philippine Public Administration PPA? Since the s, this big question has received few responses construing the evolution of PPA in outward-looking terms of Westernization: the early communalismyears agothe Since the s, this big question has received few responses construing the evolution of PPA in outward-looking terms of Administration dissertation educational philippine the early communalismyears agothe political fragmentation 15th centurythe Spanish colonial administrationor the intellectualized PPA Such highlights the issue of trade-off between conventionalism and empirical verifiability of PPA identity-building.
In registering affirmation of the big question, the study attempts to show that when the outward-looking perspective is relaxed, the issue of trade-off is eased and the structural representations of PPA underlying even its praxis can be examined across time. This claim is tested using three models of Weberian bureaucracy, which mainly build on the works of Weberadministration dissertation educational philippine, Nystrom and Nystromand Pawlik The study yields evidence pointing to the existence of structural features and praxis of PPAadministration dissertation educational philippine, to 1, years ago and in the 10th century.
Related Topics. Environmental awareness. Follow Following. Writing Qualitative Administration dissertation educational philippine. Qualitative Research Administration dissertation educational philippine. Theory and Practices of Public Administration In the Philippines.
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The Administration Dissertation Educational Philippine majority of our writers have advanced degrees and years of Ph.D.-level research and writing experience. They know what dissertation committees want. They’ll do the research and the writing and prepare you to defend your dissertation!/10() Assisted Functional Education & Literacy Program: Bases In Program Enhancement: A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School DWC Tagbilaran City in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree MA in Education Major in Educational Administration & Supervision. Tagbilaran City: March (). VI, p. (GradSec/T/Ar19) Part of the Educational Administration and Supervision Commons This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection at ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies by an authorized administrator of blogger.com: Gonzalo Miguel Pitpit
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