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Who Ate the Subfossil Lemurs? A Taphonomic and Community Study of Raptor, Crocodylian and Carnivoran Predation of the Extinct Quaternary Lemurs of Madagascar. Newsom, Anthropology. The effects of industrialization and urbanization on growth and development: A comparison of boys and girls from three Industrial European skeletal collectionsSarah Reedy, Anthropology. A Conflict of Interest?
Negotiating Agendas, Ethics, and Consequences Regarding the Heritage Value of Human RemainsHeidi J. Bauer-Clapp, Anthropology. Change of Sight, Sites of Creativity: The Visual Arts in Albania after SocialismSofia Kalo, Anthropology. Clay Pot Cookery: Dairy, Diet and Class during the South Levantine Iron Age II PeriodMary K.
Larkum, Anthropology. Ideological Conflict Embedded in Anthropology and dissertation abstracts in anthropology Road to Restructuring the DisciplineDonna L. Moody, Anthropology. Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep: An Ethnographic Analysis of the Development, Implementation, and Sustainability of a Safe Infant Sleep Education Campaign in Springfield, MAJulie Skogsbergh, Anthropology.
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Ts'msyen Revolution: The Poetics and Politics of ReclaimingRobin R. Gray, Anthropology. The Political Ecology of Early Childhood Lead Exposure at the New York African Burial GroundJoseph Jones, Anthropology. An Ethnography of African Diasporic Affiliation and Disaffiliation in Carriacou: How Anglo-Caribbean Preadolescent Girls Express Attachments to AfricaValerie Joseph, Anthropology.
From Green Economies to Community Economies: Economic Possibility in MassachusettsBoone W. Shear, Anthropology. On Belonging, Difference and Whiteness: Italy's Problem with ImmigrationFlavia Stanley, Anthropology.
Palm Trees y Nopales: The Commodification and Hybridization of the South Texas BorderlandsAndriana M. Foiles Sifuentes, Anthropology. Searching for a Praxis of Possibility: Civic Engagement and the Corporatized UniversityDeborah Keisch, Anthropology.
Curious Monuments of the Simplest Kind: Shell Midden Archaeology in MassachusettsKatharine Vickers Kirakosian, Anthropology.
Loss of Cell Surface aGal during Catarrhine Evolution: Possible Implications for the Evolution of Resistance to Viral Infections and for Oligocene Lineage DivergenceIdalia Aracely Rodriguez, Anthropology.
Framed: Native American Represtations in Contempoary Visual MediumsMarta Carlson, Anthropology. Mind The Gap: Materiality of Gendered Landscapes in Deerfield, Massachusetts, ca.
Continuity in the Face of Change: Mashantucket Pequot Plant Use From A. An Archaeology Of Improvement In Rural New England: Capitalism, Landscape Change, and Rural Life In The Early 19th CenturyQuentin Lewis, Anthropology. Knuckle-Walking Signal in the Manual Phalanges and Metacarpals of the Great Apes Pan and GorillaStacey Ann Matarazzo, Anthropology. Inhabiting Spaces, Making Places: Creating a Spatial dissertation abstracts in anthropology Material Biography of David RugglesLinda M Ziegenbein, Anthropology.
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A Question of Comfort: Race, Whiteness, and the Creation of Diverse, Inclusive, and Engaged Learning EnvironmentsH. Elizabeth Braun, Anthropology. Politics by Other Means: Rhizomes of Power in Argentina's Social MovementsGraciela G. Monteagudo, Anthropology.
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Breastfeeding and the Individual: The Impact of Everyday Stressful Experience and Hormonal Change on Breastfeeding Duration Among Women in São Paulo, BrazilAlanna Emilia Frances Rudzik, Anthropology. High Stakes: A Poly-Communal Archaeology Of The Pocumtuck Fort, Deerfield, MassachusettsSiobhan M Hart, Anthropology. Norris, Anthropology, dissertation abstracts in anthropology. The Adoption of Shamanic Healing into the Biomedical Health Care System in the United StatesLori L.
Thayer, Dissertation abstracts in anthropology. Unwrapping the anatomical gift: Donors, cadavers, studentsCarol N Coan. From infancy to death? An examination of the African burial ground in relation to Christian eighteenth century beliefsRuth Annette Mathis. Towards the within: Visual culture, performance, and aesthetics of acupunctureKevin Taylor Anderson. Historical erasure and cultural recovery: Indigenous people in the Connecticut River ValleyMargaret M Bruchac.
Musculoskeletal attachment site markers and skeletal pathology of the forearm and carpal bones from Tell Abraq, United Arab Emirates, c.
Localization of central vasopressin V1A receptors in rhesus monkeys Macaca mulattaDiane M Toloczko. The Croatian public sphere and the journalistic milieuRichard Wallace. Chronic pain and working women in Berkshire Dissertation abstracts in anthropology Towards a critical physical therapyJames R Brennan. An integrative analysis of how zinc in teeth reflects maternal environments and predicts infant function in a dissertation abstracts in anthropology Mexican communityAlexis E Dolphin.
Breastfeeding and bone density changeKaren L Pearce. The house of the jaguar: The engaged anthropology of Gertrude Duby Blom at Museo Na BolomMary L Robison. Good Fridays, Celtic Tigers and the Drumcree Church Parade: Media, politics and the state in Northern IrelandThomas H Taaffe.
Archaeology and normalcy: Disciplining a disciplineJoannah L Whitney. Negotiating power: A new discourse of the maquiladora industry in Ciudad JuarezJames H Hamm. From scientific risk to paysan savoir -faire: Divergent rationalities of science and society in the French debate over GM cropsChaia L Heller. The formulation of Dissertation abstracts in anthropology immigrant subjectivities in the German region of SwabiaTilman Lanz. American Indian identity: The Menominee experienceCarol N Nepton.
Confronting the tribal zone: Toward a critical ethnohistory of colonial state formation in San Juan through the system of encomiendas, —Gabriel De La Luz-Rodriguez. Of visions and sorrows: Manuel Quintín Lame's Indian thought and the violences of ColombiaMonica Espinosa Arango.
Reconstructing infant diet and weaning behavior of ancient Maya from Lamanai, Belize using laser ablation -inductively coupled plasma -mass spectrometry LA-ICP-MSdissertation abstracts in anthropology, Rhan-Ju Song. Making doctors in Malawi: Local exigencies meet global identities in an African medical schoolClaire Leone Wendland. Masculinity and fatherhood: Stratified reproduction among the Puerto Rican partners of adolescent mothersJennifer Whitman Foster.
Hungry for the taste of El Salvador: Gastronomic nostalgia, identity, and resistance to nutrithink in an immigrant communitySharon L Stowers.
Space, society and self in Siena, Italy: A study of community, identity and social change in small, southern European cityArthur L Figliola. Slavery's children: A study of growth and childhood sex ratios in the New York African Burial GroundSusan Kay Goode-Null. In the shadow of the other: Explorations of German identity in the construction of differenceAmy Elizabeth Harper.
Demography and death in emergent industrial cities of New EnglandSusan Irene Hautaniemi. The political ecology of wild mushroom harvester stewardship in the Pacific NorthwestEric Todd Jones. Amalgamation, immigration, and the problem of racial and ethnic classification: New York City, —Teresa Elizabeth Leslie.
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