For this qualitative study, I used the lens of the Social Cognitive Career Theory to investigate the lived experiences of Latina women navigating their career paths into the roles of public high school principals. Latina women are underrepresented and in some states they are not represented at all. Few Latina women have secured the position of high school principal in public education; however Dissertation On Career Progression Of Women, who influences me the most essay, college essays about family that worked, what if my coalition essay is too long iii ABSTRACT OF DISSERTATION WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT: CREATING A THEORY OF CAREER CHOICE AND DEVELOPMENT The purpose of this study was to create a theory of women’s career choice and
"Understanding career progression for women in higher education advance" by Sandy A Owen
A Phenomenological Study on the Leadership Development of African American Women Executives in Academia and Business, dissertation on career progression of women. Deanna Rachelle DavisUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas Follow. The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to explore the intersectionality of race and gender for African American women through their lived experiences of how they developed into leaders.
This research study was designed to determine how the intersection of race and gender identities contributed to the elements of leadership development as perceived by eight African American female executives in academia and business. The researcher sought to explore strategies future leaders might utilize to address leadership development and career ascendency for African American females who aspire to leadership roles.
A phenomenological research method was most appropriate for this research study to capture the lived experiences of individuals from their perspectives and to develop themes that challenged structural or normative assumptions. This research study examined leadership development of eight African American female leaders in two distinct enterprises: academia and business. In both sectors, changes prompted by economic challenges, competition, globalization, and demographic projections have significantly challenged the ability to develop leadership capabilities among African American women.
While women have been entering the workforce in greater numbers and making progress into management and professional positions, access to senior leadership ranks remains limited for African American women. As evidenced by studies recorded in the literature, it is prudent to investigate the leadership development modalities required to identify and develop African American female leaders.
This qualitative, phenomenological study examined the lived experiences of how eight African American women developed as leaders. The exploration of factors that the participants' considered significant in their development as leaders provided the study data. A phenomenological research method fit the goal of understanding how race and gender informed the career development of African American women in senior level leadership positions in academia and business.
The phenomenological inquiry uncovered meaning from the lived experiences of these African American women. Their experiences, as evident through the interview data, encompassed their personal knowledge of how race and gender informed their leadership development. Scholarly literature reviewed for the study followed the theory of intersectionality as it related to the influence of race and gender on African American women in academia and business, as well as their underrepresentation in senior level positions.
This perspective facilitated breaking through the glass ceilings surrounding African American women's advancement to leadership positions in these sectors. The method of inquiry included phenomenological reflection on data elicited by the investigation of the phenomenon of race and gender identities and the investigation of these women's development as leaders.
The significance of this study was to describe the personal and professional perceptions experienced by African American women in their accession to leadership positions.
The data gathered was analyzed to develop themes for which potential African American females who dissertation on career progression of women to become organizational leaders can learn from and apply. This exploration may provide information to individuals interested in the career paths dissertation on career progression of women African American women leaders.
Moreover, this research is vital given the increasing demographic changes in society in which through which African American women will have more leadership opportunities.
African American college administrators; African American executives; African American women; African Americans — Race identity; Black women in academia; Black women in business; Gender identity; Intersectionality; Leadership development; Leadership in minority women; Minority businesswomen; Minority women executives; Phenomenology. Davis, Deanna Rachelle, "A Phenomenological Study on the Leadership Development of African American Women Executives in Academia and Business" UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, dissertation on career progression of women, and Capstones.
IN COPYRIGHT. African American Studies CommonsBusiness CommonsWomen's Studies Commons. Advanced Search. Home About FAQ My Account Accessibility Statement Terms of Use. Privacy Copyright. All items in Digital Scholarship UNLV dissertation on career progression of women protected by original copyright, with all rights reserved, dissertation on career progression of women, unless otherwise indicated.
Skip to main content University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Digital Scholarship UNLV. My Account FAQ About Submit Research Home. Title A Phenomenological Study on the Leadership Development of African American Women Executives in Academia and Business. Author Deanna Rachelle DavisUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas Follow. Abstract The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to explore the intersectionality of race and gender for African American women through their lived experiences of how they developed into leaders.
Keywords African American college administrators; African American executives; African American women; African Americans — Race identity; Black women in academia; Black women in business; Gender identity; Intersectionality; Leadership development; Leadership in minority women; Minority businesswomen; Minority women executives; Phenomenology.
Disciplines African American Studies Business Women's Studies. Degree Grantor University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Repository Citation Davis, Deanna Dissertation on career progression of women, "A Phenomenological Study on the Leadership Development of African American Women Executives in Academia and Business" Rights IN COPYRIGHT. DOWNLOADS Since July 22, Included in African American Studies CommonsBusiness CommonsWomen's Studies Commons.
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From Survive to Thrive: Women of Color in Corporate Leadership - DeRetta Cole Rhodes - TEDxUGA
, time: 10:14"Gender and Representative Bureaucracy: The Career Progression of Women" by Velma J. Ballard

highest male dominated industries, the effect of stereotypes as a barrier for women’s career progression in construction is salient. This paper reviews academic literature on gender stereotypes and its consequent effects on women managers. It attempts to discover the pertinent issues for women in GENDER AND REPRESENTATIVE BUREAUCRACY: THE CAREER PROGRESSION OF WOMEN MANAGERS IN MALE-DOMINATED OCCUPATIONS IN STATE GOVERNMENT By Velma J. Ballard, Ph.D. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Virginia Commonwealth University. Virginia Commonwealth University, Author: Velma J. Ballard existing literature on women’s career development has generally examined the impact of a combination of individual, organizational and societal factors on women’s career choices. There are perceived obstacles that women encounter during the course of career that must be acknowledged in
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